class ModelView(BaseModelView):
"""A view for managing SQLAlchemy models."""
sortable_field_mapping: ClassVar[Dict[str, InstrumentedAttribute]] = {}
"""A dictionary for overriding the default model attribute used for sorting.
class Post(Base):
__tablename__ = "post"
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
title: Mapped[str] = mapped_column()
user_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(ForeignKey(""))
user: Mapped[User] = relationship(back_populates="posts")
class PostView(ModelView):
sortable_field = ["id", "title", "user"]
sortable_field_mapping = {
"user": User.age, # Sort by the age of the related user
def __init__(
model: Type[Any],
icon: Optional[str] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
label: Optional[str] = None,
identity: Optional[str] = None,
converter: Optional[BaseSQLAModelConverter] = None,
mapper: Mapper = inspect(model) # type: ignore
except NoInspectionAvailable:
raise InvalidModelError( # noqa B904
f"Class {model.__name__} is not a SQLAlchemy model."
self.model = model
self.identity = (
identity or self.identity or slugify_class_name(self.model.__name__)
self.label = (
label or self.label or prettify_class_name(self.model.__name__) + "s"
) = name or or prettify_class_name(self.model.__name__)
self.icon = icon
if self.fields is None or len(self.fields) == 0:
self.fields = [
for f in list(self.model.__dict__.keys())
if type(self.model.__dict__[f]) is InstrumentedAttribute
self.fields = (converter or ModelConverter()).convert_fields_list(
fields=self.fields, model=self.model, mapper=mapper
self.exclude_fields_from_list = normalize_list(self.exclude_fields_from_list) # type: ignore
self.exclude_fields_from_detail = normalize_list(self.exclude_fields_from_detail) # type: ignore
self.exclude_fields_from_create = normalize_list(self.exclude_fields_from_create) # type: ignore
self.exclude_fields_from_edit = normalize_list(self.exclude_fields_from_edit) # type: ignore
_default_list = [
for field in self.fields
if not isinstance(field, (RelationField, FileField))
self.searchable_fields = normalize_list(
if (self.searchable_fields is not None)
else _default_list
self.sortable_fields = normalize_list(
if (self.sortable_fields is not None)
else _default_list
self.export_fields = normalize_list(self.export_fields)
self.fields_default_sort = normalize_list(
self.fields_default_sort, is_default_sort_list=True
def _setup_primary_key(self) -> None:
# Detect the primary key attribute(s) of the model
_pk_attrs = []
self._pk_column: Union[
Tuple[InstrumentedAttribute, ...], InstrumentedAttribute
] = ()
self._pk_coerce: Union[Tuple[type, ...], type] = ()
for key in list(self.model.__dict__.keys()):
attr = getattr(self.model, key)
if isinstance(attr, InstrumentedAttribute) and getattr(
attr, "primary_key", False
if len(_pk_attrs) > 1:
self._pk_column = tuple(getattr(self.model, attr) for attr in _pk_attrs)
self._pk_coerce = tuple(
extract_column_python_type(c) for c in self._pk_column
self.pk_field: BaseField = MultiplePKField(_pk_attrs)
assert (
len(_pk_attrs) == 1
), f"No primary key found in model {self.model.__name__}"
self._pk_column = getattr(self.model, _pk_attrs[0])
self._pk_coerce = extract_column_python_type(self._pk_column) # type: ignore[arg-type]
# Try to find the primary key field among the fields
self.pk_field = next(f for f in self.fields if == _pk_attrs[0])
except StopIteration:
# If the primary key is not among the fields, treat its value as a string
self.pk_field = StringField(_pk_attrs[0])
self.pk_attr =
async def handle_action(
self, request: Request, pks: List[Any], name: str
) -> Union[str, Response]:
return await super().handle_action(request, pks, name)
except SQLAlchemyError as exc:
raise ActionFailed(str(exc)) from exc
async def handle_row_action(
self, request: Request, pk: Any, name: str
) -> Union[str, Response]:
return await super().handle_row_action(request, pk, name)
except SQLAlchemyError as exc:
raise ActionFailed(str(exc)) from exc
def get_list_query(self, request: Request) -> Select:
Return a Select expression which is used as base statement for
[find_all][starlette_admin.views.BaseModelView.find_all] method.
```python hl_lines="3-4"
class PostView(ModelView):
def get_list_query(self, request: Request):
return super().get_list_query().where(Post.published == true())
def get_count_query(self, request: Request):
return super().get_count_query().where(Post.published == true())
If you override this method, don't forget to also override
for displaying the correct item count in the list view.
return select(self.model)
def get_count_query(self, request: Request) -> Select:
Return a Select expression which is used as base statement for
[count][starlette_admin.views.BaseModelView.count] method.
```python hl_lines="6-7"
class PostView(ModelView):
def get_list_query(self, request: Request):
return super().get_list_query().where(Post.published == true())
def get_count_query(self, request: Request):
return super().get_count_query().where(Post.published == true())
return select(func.count()).select_from(self.model)
def get_search_query(self, request: Request, term: str) -> Any:
Return SQLAlchemy whereclause to use for full text search
request: Starlette request
term: Filtering term
class PostView(ModelView):
def get_search_query(self, request: Request, term: str):
return Post.title.contains(term)
clauses = []
for field in self.get_fields_list(request):
if field.searchable and type(field) in [
attr = getattr(self.model,
clauses.append(cast(attr, String).ilike(f"%{term}%"))
return or_(*clauses)
async def count(
request: Request,
where: Union[Dict[str, Any], str, None] = None,
) -> int:
session: Union[Session, AsyncSession] = request.state.session
stmt = self.get_count_query(request)
if where is not None:
if isinstance(where, dict):
where = build_query(where, self.model)
where = await self.build_full_text_search_query(
request, where, self.model
stmt = stmt.where(where) # type: ignore
if isinstance(session, AsyncSession):
return (await session.execute(stmt)).scalar_one()
return (await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(session.execute, stmt)).scalar_one() # type: ignore[arg-type]
async def find_all(
request: Request,
skip: int = 0,
limit: int = 100,
where: Union[Dict[str, Any], str, None] = None,
order_by: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> Sequence[Any]:
session: Union[Session, AsyncSession] = request.state.session
stmt = self.get_list_query(request).offset(skip)
if limit > 0:
stmt = stmt.limit(limit)
if where is not None:
if isinstance(where, dict):
where = build_query(where, self.model)
where = await self.build_full_text_search_query(
request, where, self.model
stmt = stmt.where(where) # type: ignore
stmt = self.build_order_clauses(request, order_by or [], stmt)
for field in self.get_fields_list(request, RequestAction.LIST):
if isinstance(field, RelationField):
stmt = stmt.options(joinedload(getattr(self.model,
if isinstance(session, AsyncSession):
return (await session.execute(stmt)).scalars().unique().all()
return (
(await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(session.execute, stmt)) # type: ignore[arg-type]
async def find_by_pk(self, request: Request, pk: Any) -> Any:
session: Union[Session, AsyncSession] = request.state.session
if isinstance(self._pk_column, tuple):
For composite primary keys, the pk parameter is a comma-separated string
representing the values of each primary key attribute.
For example, if the model has two primary keys (id1, id2):
- the `pk` will be: "val1,val2"
- the generated query: (id1 == val1 AND id2 == val2)
assert isinstance(self._pk_coerce, tuple)
clause = and_(
_pk_col == _coerce(_pk)
if _coerce is not bool
else _pk_col
== (_pk == "True") # to avoid bool("False") which is True
for _pk_col, _coerce, _pk in zip(
self._pk_column, self._pk_coerce, iterdecode(pk) # type: ignore[type-var,arg-type]
assert isinstance(self._pk_coerce, type)
clause = self._pk_column == self._pk_coerce(pk)
stmt = select(self.model).where(clause)
for field in self.get_fields_list(request, request.state.action):
if isinstance(field, RelationField):
stmt = stmt.options(joinedload(getattr(self.model,
if isinstance(session, AsyncSession):
return (await session.execute(stmt)).scalars().unique().one_or_none()
return (
(await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(session.execute, stmt)) # type: ignore[arg-type]
async def find_by_pks(self, request: Request, pks: List[Any]) -> Sequence[Any]:
has_multiple_pks = isinstance(self._pk_column, tuple)
return await self._exec_find_by_pks(request, pks)
except DBAPIError: # pragma: no cover
if has_multiple_pks:
# Retry for multiple primary keys in case of an error related to the composite IN construct
# This section is intentionally not covered by the test suite because SQLite, MySQL, and
# PostgreSQL support composite IN construct.
return await self._exec_find_by_pks(request, pks, False)
async def _exec_find_by_pks(
self, request: Request, pks: List[Any], use_composite_in: bool = True
) -> Sequence[Any]:
session: Union[Session, AsyncSession] = request.state.session
has_multiple_pks = isinstance(self._pk_column, tuple)
if has_multiple_pks:
"""Handle composite primary keys"""
clause = await self._get_multiple_pks_in_clause(pks, use_composite_in)
clause = self._pk_column.in_(map(self._pk_coerce, pks)) # type: ignore
stmt = select(self.model).where(clause)
for field in self.get_fields_list(request, request.state.action):
if isinstance(field, RelationField):
stmt = stmt.options(joinedload(getattr(self.model,
if isinstance(session, AsyncSession):
return (await session.execute(stmt)).scalars().unique().all()
return (
(await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(session.execute, stmt)) # type: ignore[arg-type]
async def _get_multiple_pks_in_clause(
self, pks: List[Any], use_composite_in: bool
) -> Any:
Constructs the WHERE clause for models with multiple primary keys.
pks: A list of comma-separated values
Example: ["val1,val2", "val3,val4"]
use_composite_in: A flag indicating whether to use the composite IN construct.
The generated query depends on the value of `use_composite_in`:
- When `use_composite_in` is True:
WHERE (id1, id2) IN ((val1, val2), (val3, val4))
Note: The composite IN construct may not be supported by all database backends.
- When `use_composite_in` is False:
WHERE (id1 == val1 AND id2 == val2) OR (id1 == val3 AND id2 == val4)
assert isinstance(self._pk_coerce, tuple)
decoded_pks = tuple(iterdecode(pk) for pk in pks)
if use_composite_in:
return tuple_(*self._pk_column).in_(
(_coerce(_pk) if _coerce is not bool else _pk == "True")
for _coerce, _pk in zip(
self._pk_coerce, decoded_pk # type: ignore[type-var,arg-type]
for decoded_pk in decoded_pks
else: # noqa: RET505, pragma: no cover
clauses = []
for decoded_pk in decoded_pks:
_pk_col == _coerce(_pk)
if _coerce is not bool
else (_pk_col == (_pk == "True"))
) # to avoid bool("False") which is True
for _pk_col, _coerce, _pk in zip(
self._pk_column, self._pk_coerce, decoded_pk # type: ignore[type-var,arg-type]
return or_(*clauses)
async def validate(self, request: Request, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
Inherit this method to validate your data.
request: Starlette request
data: Submitted data
FormValidationError: to display errors to users
from starlette_admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView
from starlette_admin.exceptions import FormValidationError
class Post(Base):
__tablename__ = "post"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
title = Column(String(100), nullable=False)
text = Column(Text, nullable=False)
date = Column(Date)
class PostView(ModelView):
async def validate(self, request: Request, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
errors: Dict[str, str] = dict()
_2day_from_today = + timedelta(days=2)
if data["title"] is None or len(data["title"]) < 3:
errors["title"] = "Ensure this value has at least 03 characters"
if data["text"] is None or len(data["text"]) < 10:
errors["text"] = "Ensure this value has at least 10 characters"
if data["date"] is None or data["date"] < _2day_from_today:
errors["date"] = "We need at least one day to verify your post"
if len(errors) > 0:
raise FormValidationError(errors)
return await super().validate(request, data)
async def create(self, request: Request, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
data = await self._arrange_data(request, data)
await self.validate(request, data)
session: Union[Session, AsyncSession] = request.state.session
obj = await self._populate_obj(request, self.model(), data)
await self.before_create(request, data, obj)
if isinstance(session, AsyncSession):
await session.commit()
await session.refresh(obj)
await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(session.commit) # type: ignore[arg-type]
await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(session.refresh, obj) # type: ignore[arg-type]
await self.after_create(request, obj)
return obj
except Exception as e:
return self.handle_exception(e)
async def edit(self, request: Request, pk: Any, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
data = await self._arrange_data(request, data, True)
await self.validate(request, data)
session: Union[Session, AsyncSession] = request.state.session
obj = await self.find_by_pk(request, pk)
await self._populate_obj(request, obj, data, True)
await self.before_edit(request, data, obj)
if isinstance(session, AsyncSession):
await session.commit()
await session.refresh(obj)
await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(session.commit) # type: ignore[arg-type]
await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(session.refresh, obj) # type: ignore[arg-type]
await self.after_edit(request, obj)
return obj
except Exception as e:
async def _arrange_data(
request: Request,
data: Dict[str, Any],
is_edit: bool = False,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
This function will return a new dict with relationships loaded from
arranged_data: Dict[str, Any] = {}
for field in self.get_fields_list(request, request.state.action):
if isinstance(field, RelationField) and data[] is not None:
foreign_model = self._find_foreign_model(field.identity) # type: ignore
if isinstance(field, HasMany):
arranged_data[] = field.collection_class(await foreign_model.find_by_pks(request, data[])) # type: ignore[call-arg]
arranged_data[] = await foreign_model.find_by_pk(
request, data[]
arranged_data[] = data[]
return arranged_data
async def _populate_obj(
request: Request,
obj: Any,
data: Dict[str, Any],
is_edit: bool = False,
) -> Any:
for field in self.get_fields_list(request, request.state.action):
name, value =, data.get(, None)
if isinstance(field, FileField):
value, should_be_deleted = value
if should_be_deleted:
setattr(obj, name, None)
elif (not field.multiple and value is not None) or (
field.multiple and isinstance(value, list) and len(value) > 0
setattr(obj, name, value)
setattr(obj, name, value)
return obj
async def delete(self, request: Request, pks: List[Any]) -> Optional[int]:
session: Union[Session, AsyncSession] = request.state.session
objs = await self.find_by_pks(request, pks)
if isinstance(session, AsyncSession):
for obj in objs:
await self.before_delete(request, obj)
await session.delete(obj)
await session.commit()
for obj in objs:
await self.before_delete(request, obj)
await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(session.delete, obj) # type: ignore[arg-type]
await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(session.commit) # type: ignore[arg-type]
for obj in objs:
await self.after_delete(request, obj)
return len(objs)
async def build_full_text_search_query(
self, request: Request, term: str, model: Any
) -> Any:
return self.get_search_query(request, term)
def build_order_clauses(
self, request: Request, order_list: List[str], stmt: Select
) -> Select:
for value in order_list:
attr_key, order = value.strip().split(maxsplit=1)
model_attr = getattr(self.model, attr_key, None)
if model_attr is not None and isinstance(, RelationshipProperty
stmt = stmt.outerjoin(model_attr)
sorting_attr = self.sortable_field_mapping.get(attr_key, model_attr)
stmt = stmt.order_by(
if order.lower() == "desc"
else sorting_attr
return stmt
async def get_pk_value(self, request: Request, obj: Any) -> Any:
return await self.pk_field.parse_obj(request, obj)
async def get_serialized_pk_value(self, request: Request, obj: Any) -> Any:
value = await self.get_pk_value(request, obj)
return await self.pk_field.serialize_value(request, value, request.state.action)
def handle_exception(self, exc: Exception) -> None:
"""Automatically handle sqlalchemy_file error"""
from sqlalchemy_file.exceptions import ValidationError
if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
raise FormValidationError({exc.key: exc.msg})
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
raise exc # pragma: no cover