Extending BaseModelView
Starlette-Admin makes a few assumptions about the database models that it works with. If you want to implement your own database backend, and still have Starlette-Admin’s model views work as expected, then you should take note of the following:
- Each model must have one field which acts as a primary key to uniquely identify instances of that model. However, there are no restriction on the data type or the field name of the primary key field.
- Models must make their data accessible as python properties.
If that is the case, then you can implement your own database backend by extending the BaseModelView class, and implementing the set of methods listed below.
Let's say you've defined your models like this:
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List
class Post:
id: int
title: str
content: str
tags: List[str]
First you need to define a new class, which derives from BaseModelView.
Set the identity
, name
and label
for the new class
from starlette_admin import BaseModelView
class PostView(BaseModelView):
identity = "post"
name = "Post"
label = "Blog Posts"
icon = "fa fa-blog"
is used to identify the model associated to this view and should be unique.
Primary key
Set the pk_attr
value which is primary key attribute name
Internally, Starlette-Admin uses custom fields all inherit from BaseField to represent each attribute. So, you need to choose the right field for each attribute or create a new field if needed. See API Reference for full list of default fields.
from starlette_admin import BaseModelView
from starlette_admin import IntegerField, StringField, TagsField, TextAreaField
class PostView(BaseModelView):
fields = [
CRUD methods
Finally, you need to implement these CRUD methods:
Full example
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette_admin import IntegerField, StringField, TagsField, TextAreaField
from starlette_admin.exceptions import FormValidationError
from starlette_admin.views import BaseModelView
class Post:
id: int
title: str
content: str
tags: List[str]
def is_valid_for_term(self, term):
return (
str(term).lower() in self.title.lower()
or str(term).lower() in self.content.lower()
or any([str(term).lower() in tag.lower() for tag in self.tags])
def update(self, data: Dict):
for key, value in data.items():
if hasattr(self, key):
setattr(self, key, value)
db: Dict[int, Post] = dict()
next_id = 1
def filter_values(values: Iterable[Post], term):
filtered_values = []
for value in values:
if value.is_valid_for_term(term):
return filtered_values
class PostView(BaseModelView):
identity = "post"
name = "Post"
label = "Blog Posts"
icon = "fa fa-blog"
pk_attr = "id"
fields = [
sortable_fields = ("id", "title", "content")
search_builder = False
async def count(
request: Request,
where: Union[Dict[str, Any], str, None] = None,
) -> int:
values = list(db.values())
if where is not None:
values = filter_values(values, where)
return len(values)
async def find_all(
request: Request,
skip: int = 0,
limit: int = 100,
where: Union[Dict[str, Any], str, None] = None,
order_by: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> List[Any]:
values = list(db.values())
if order_by is not None:
assert len(order_by) < 2, "Not supported"
if len(order_by) == 1:
key, dir = order_by[0].split(maxsplit=1)
values.sort(key=lambda v: getattr(v, key), reverse=(dir == "desc"))
if where is not None and isinstance(where, (str, int)):
values = filter_values(values, where)
if limit > 0:
return values[skip : skip + limit]
return values[skip:]
async def find_by_pk(self, request: Request, pk):
return db.get(int(pk), None)
async def find_by_pks(self, request: Request, pks):
return [db.get(int(pk)) for pk in pks]
async def validate_data(self, data: Dict):
errors = {}
if data["title"] is None or len(data["title"]) < 3:
errors["title"] = "Ensure title has at least 03 characters"
if data["tags"] is None or len(data["tags"]) < 1:
errors["tags"] = "You need at least one tag"
if len(errors) > 0:
raise FormValidationError(errors)
async def create(self, request: Request, data: Dict):
await self.validate_data(data)
global next_id
obj = Post(id=next_id, **data)
db[next_id] = obj
next_id += 1
return obj
async def edit(self, request: Request, pk, data: Dict):
await self.validate_data(data)
return db[int(pk)]
async def delete(self, request: Request, pks: List[Any]) -> Optional[int]:
cnt = 0
for pk in pks:
value = await self.find_by_pk(request, pk)
if value is not None:
del db[int(pk)]
cnt += 1
return cnt