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Custom Field

Starlette-Admin has a lot of built-in fields available. But you can override or create your own field according to your need.


Before creating a new field, try first to extend the existing ones. They are flexible enough to fit most use cases.

The first step is to define a new class, which derives from BaseField or any others fields to customize it

from starlette_admin import BaseField
from dataclasses import dataclass

class CustomField(BaseField):

List Rendering

Starlette-Admin use Datatables to render list. By default all fields will be render as text field. To customize this behavior you need to write a javascript function to render your column inside datatable instance. For more information on how to write your function read Datatables documentation.

  • First, you need to provide a link to your custom javascript file in which you add additional render function, by overriding the admin class


This is simple example with SQLAlchemy backend

from starlette_admin.contrib.sqla import Admin as BaseAdmin

class Admin(BaseAdmin):
    def custom_render_js(self, request: Request) -> Optional[str]:
        return request.url_for("statics", path="js/custom_render.js")

admin = Admin(engine)
Object.assign(render, {
  mycustomkey: function render(data, type, full, meta, fieldOptions) {


fieldOptions is your field as javascript object. Your field attributes is serialized into javascript object by using dataclass asdict function.

  • Then, set render_function_key value
from starlette_admin import BaseField
from dataclasses import dataclass

class CustomField(BaseField):
    render_function_key: str = "mycustomkey"


For form rendering, you should create a new html file under the directory forms in your templates dir.

These jinja2 variables are available:

  • field: Your field instance
  • error: Error message coming from FormValidationError
  • data: current value. Will be available if it is edit or when validation error occur
  • action: EDIT or CREATE


<div class="{%if error%}is-invalid{%endif%}">
    <input id="{{}}" name="{{}}" ... />
    {% if field.help_text %}
    <small class="form-hint">{{field.help_text}}</small>
{%if error %}
<div class="invalid-feedback">{{error}}</div>
from starlette_admin import BaseField
from dataclasses import dataclass

class CustomField(BaseField):
    render_function_key: str = "mycustomkey"
    form_template: str = "forms/custom.html"

Detail Page

To render your field on detail page, you should create a new html file under the directory displays in your template dir.

These jinja2 variables are available:

  • field: Your field instance
  • data: value to display


<span>Hello {{data}}</span>
from starlette_admin import BaseField
from dataclasses import dataclass

class CustomField(BaseField):
    render_function_key: str = "mycustomkey"
    form_template: str = "forms/custom.html"
    display_template: str = "displays/custom.html"

Data processing

For data processing you will need to override two functions:

  • process_form_data: Will be call when converting field value into python dict object
  • serialize_field_value: Will be call when serializing value to send through the API. This is the same data you will get in your render function
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict

from requests import Request
from starlette.datastructures import FormData
from starlette_admin import BaseField

class CustomField(BaseField):
    render_function_key: str = "mycustomkey"
    form_template: str = "forms/custom.html"
    display_template: str = "displays/custom.html"

    async def parse_form_data(self, request: Request, form_data: FormData) -> Any:
        return form_data.get(

    async def serialize_value(self, request: Request, value: Any, action: RequestAction) -> Any:
        return value

    def dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return super().dict()


Override dict function to get control of the options which is available in javascript.