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BaseField dataclass

Base class for fields


Name Type Description Default
name str

Field name, same as attribute name in your model

label Optional[str]

Field label

help_text Optional[str]

Hint message to display in forms

type Optional[str]

Field type, unique key used to define the field

disabled Optional[bool]

Disabled in forms

read_only Optional[bool]

Read only in forms

id str

Unique id, used to represent field instance

search_builder_type Optional[str]

datatable columns.searchBuilderType, For more information click here

required Optional[bool]

Indicate if the fields is required

exclude_from_list Optional[bool]

Control field visibility in list page

exclude_from_detail Optional[bool]

Control field visibility in detail page

exclude_from_create Optional[bool]

Control field visibility in create page

exclude_from_edit Optional[bool]

Control field visibility in edit page

searchable Optional[bool]

Indicate if the fields is searchable

orderable Optional[bool]

Indicate if the fields is orderable

render_function_key str

Render function key inside the global render variable in javascript

form_template str

template for rendering this field in creation and edit page

display_template str

template for displaying this field in detail page

Source code in starlette_admin/
class BaseField:
    Base class for fields

        name: Field name, same as attribute name in your model
        label: Field label
        help_text: Hint message to display in forms
        type: Field type, unique key used to define the field
        disabled: Disabled in forms
        read_only: Read only in forms
        id: Unique id, used to represent field instance
        search_builder_type: datatable columns.searchBuilderType, For more information
            [click here](
        required: Indicate if the fields is required
        exclude_from_list: Control field visibility in list page
        exclude_from_detail: Control field visibility in detail page
        exclude_from_create: Control field visibility in create page
        exclude_from_edit: Control field visibility in edit page
        searchable: Indicate if the fields is searchable
        orderable: Indicate if the fields is orderable
        render_function_key: Render function key inside the global `render` variable in javascript
        form_template: template for rendering this field in creation and edit page
        display_template: template for displaying this field in detail page

    name: str
    label: Optional[str] = None
    type: Optional[str] = None
    help_text: Optional[str] = None
    disabled: Optional[bool] = False
    read_only: Optional[bool] = False
    id: str = ""
    search_builder_type: Optional[str] = "default"
    required: Optional[bool] = False
    exclude_from_list: Optional[bool] = False
    exclude_from_detail: Optional[bool] = False
    exclude_from_create: Optional[bool] = False
    exclude_from_edit: Optional[bool] = False
    searchable: Optional[bool] = True
    orderable: Optional[bool] = True
    render_function_key: str = "text"
    form_template: str = "forms/input.html"
    label_template: str = "forms/_label.html"
    display_template: str = "displays/text.html"
    error_class = "is-invalid"

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        if self.label is None:
            self.label ="_", " ").capitalize()
        if self.type is None:
            self.type = type(self).__name__ =

    async def parse_form_data(
        self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Any:
        Extracts the value of this field from submitted form data.
        return form_data.get(

    async def parse_obj(self, request: Request, obj: Any) -> Any:
        """Extracts the value of this field from a model instance.

        By default, this function returns the value of the attribute with the name `` from `obj`.
        However, this function can be overridden to provide custom logic for computing the value of a field.

        ??? Example

            # Suppose we have a `User` model with `id`, `first_name`, and `last_name` fields.
            # We define a custom field called `MyCustomField` to compute the full name of the user:

            class MyCustomField(StringField):
                async def parse_obj(self, request: Request, obj: Any) -> Any:
                    return f"{obj.first_name} {obj.last_name}"  # Returns the full name of the user

            # Then, We can define our view as follows

            class UserView(ModelView):
                fields = ["id", MyCustomField("full_name")]
        return getattr(obj,, None)

    async def serialize_none_value(
        self, request: Request, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Any:
        """Formats a None value for sending to the frontend.

            request: The current request object.
            action: The current request action.

            Any: The formatted None value.
        return None

    async def serialize_value(
        self, request: Request, value: Any, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Any:
        """Formats a value for sending to the frontend based on the current request action.

        !!! important

            Make sure this value is JSON Serializable for RequestAction.LIST and RequestAction.API

            request: The current request object.
            value: The value to format.
            action: The current request action.

            Any: The formatted value.
        return value

    def additional_css_links(
        self, request: Request, action: RequestAction
    ) -> List[str]:
        """Returns a list of CSS file URLs to include for the current request action."""
        return []

    def additional_js_links(self, request: Request, action: RequestAction) -> List[str]:
        """Returns a list of JavaScript file URLs to include for the current request action."""
        return []

    def dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Return the dataclass instance as a dictionary."""
        return asdict(self)

    def input_params(self) -> str:
        """Return HTML input parameters as a string."""
        return html_params(
                "disabled": self.disabled,
                "readonly": self.read_only,

Returns a list of CSS file URLs to include for the current request action.

Source code in starlette_admin/
def additional_css_links(
    self, request: Request, action: RequestAction
) -> List[str]:
    """Returns a list of CSS file URLs to include for the current request action."""
    return []

Returns a list of JavaScript file URLs to include for the current request action.

Source code in starlette_admin/
def additional_js_links(self, request: Request, action: RequestAction) -> List[str]:
    """Returns a list of JavaScript file URLs to include for the current request action."""
    return []


Return the dataclass instance as a dictionary.

Source code in starlette_admin/
def dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Return the dataclass instance as a dictionary."""
    return asdict(self)


Return HTML input parameters as a string.

Source code in starlette_admin/
def input_params(self) -> str:
    """Return HTML input parameters as a string."""
    return html_params(
            "disabled": self.disabled,
            "readonly": self.read_only,

parse_form_data(request, form_data, action) async

Extracts the value of this field from submitted form data.

Source code in starlette_admin/
async def parse_form_data(
    self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
) -> Any:
    Extracts the value of this field from submitted form data.
    return form_data.get(

parse_obj(request, obj) async

Extracts the value of this field from a model instance.

By default, this function returns the value of the attribute with the name from obj. However, this function can be overridden to provide custom logic for computing the value of a field.

# Suppose we have a `User` model with `id`, `first_name`, and `last_name` fields.
# We define a custom field called `MyCustomField` to compute the full name of the user:

class MyCustomField(StringField):
    async def parse_obj(self, request: Request, obj: Any) -> Any:
        return f"{obj.first_name} {obj.last_name}"  # Returns the full name of the user

# Then, We can define our view as follows

class UserView(ModelView):
    fields = ["id", MyCustomField("full_name")]
Source code in starlette_admin/
async def parse_obj(self, request: Request, obj: Any) -> Any:
    """Extracts the value of this field from a model instance.

    By default, this function returns the value of the attribute with the name `` from `obj`.
    However, this function can be overridden to provide custom logic for computing the value of a field.

    ??? Example

        # Suppose we have a `User` model with `id`, `first_name`, and `last_name` fields.
        # We define a custom field called `MyCustomField` to compute the full name of the user:

        class MyCustomField(StringField):
            async def parse_obj(self, request: Request, obj: Any) -> Any:
                return f"{obj.first_name} {obj.last_name}"  # Returns the full name of the user

        # Then, We can define our view as follows

        class UserView(ModelView):
            fields = ["id", MyCustomField("full_name")]
    return getattr(obj,, None)

serialize_none_value(request, action) async

Formats a None value for sending to the frontend.


Name Type Description Default
request Request

The current request object.

action RequestAction

The current request action.



Name Type Description
Any Any

The formatted None value.

Source code in starlette_admin/
async def serialize_none_value(
    self, request: Request, action: RequestAction
) -> Any:
    """Formats a None value for sending to the frontend.

        request: The current request object.
        action: The current request action.

        Any: The formatted None value.
    return None

serialize_value(request, value, action) async

Formats a value for sending to the frontend based on the current request action.


Make sure this value is JSON Serializable for RequestAction.LIST and RequestAction.API


Name Type Description Default
request Request

The current request object.

value Any

The value to format.

action RequestAction

The current request action.



Name Type Description
Any Any

The formatted value.

Source code in starlette_admin/
async def serialize_value(
    self, request: Request, value: Any, action: RequestAction
) -> Any:
    """Formats a value for sending to the frontend based on the current request action.

    !!! important

        Make sure this value is JSON Serializable for RequestAction.LIST and RequestAction.API

        request: The current request object.
        value: The value to format.
        action: The current request action.

        Any: The formatted value.
    return value

BooleanField dataclass

Bases: BaseField

This field displays the true/false value of a boolean property.

Source code in starlette_admin/
class BooleanField(BaseField):
    """This field displays the `true/false` value of a boolean property."""

    search_builder_type: Optional[str] = "bool"
    render_function_key: str = "boolean"
    form_template: str = "forms/boolean.html"
    display_template: str = "displays/boolean.html"

    async def parse_form_data(
        self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
    ) -> bool:
        return form_data.get( == "on"

    async def serialize_value(
        self, request: Request, value: Any, action: RequestAction
    ) -> bool:
        return bool(value)

IntegerField dataclass

Bases: NumberField

This field is used to represent the value of properties that store integer numbers. Erroneous input is ignored and will not be accepted as a value.

Source code in starlette_admin/
class IntegerField(NumberField):
    This field is used to represent the value of properties that store integer numbers.
    Erroneous input is ignored and will not be accepted as a value."""

    class_: str = "field-integer form-control"

    async def parse_form_data(
        self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Optional[int]:
            return int(form_data.get(  # type: ignore
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            return None

    async def serialize_value(
        self, request: Request, value: Any, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Any:
        return int(value)

DecimalField dataclass

Bases: NumberField

This field is used to represent the value of properties that store decimal numbers. Erroneous input is ignored and will not be accepted as a value.

Source code in starlette_admin/
class DecimalField(NumberField):
    This field is used to represent the value of properties that store decimal numbers.
    Erroneous input is ignored and will not be accepted as a value.

    step: str = "any"
    class_: str = "field-decimal form-control"

    async def parse_form_data(
        self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Optional[decimal.Decimal]:
            return decimal.Decimal(form_data.get(  # type: ignore
        except (decimal.InvalidOperation, ValueError):
            return None

    async def serialize_value(
        self, request: Request, value: Any, action: RequestAction
    ) -> str:
        return str(value)

FloatField dataclass

Bases: StringField

A text field, except all input is coerced to an float. Erroneous input is ignored and will not be accepted as a value.

Source code in starlette_admin/
class FloatField(StringField):
    A text field, except all input is coerced to an float.
     Erroneous input is ignored and will not be accepted as a value.

    class_: str = "field-float form-control"

    async def parse_form_data(
        self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Optional[float]:
            return float(form_data.get(  # type: ignore
        except ValueError:
            return None

    async def serialize_value(
        self, request: Request, value: Any, action: RequestAction
    ) -> float:
        return float(value)

StringField dataclass

Bases: BaseField

This field is used to represent any kind of short text content.

Source code in starlette_admin/
class StringField(BaseField):
    """This field is used to represent any kind of short text content."""

    maxlength: Optional[int] = None
    minlength: Optional[int] = None
    search_builder_type: Optional[str] = "string"
    input_type: str = "text"
    class_: str = "field-string form-control"
    placeholder: Optional[str] = None

    def input_params(self) -> str:
        return html_params(
                "type": self.input_type,
                "minlength": self.minlength,
                "maxlength": self.maxlength,
                "placeholder": self.placeholder,
                "required": self.required,
                "disabled": self.disabled,
                "readonly": self.read_only,

    async def serialize_value(
        self, request: Request, value: Any, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Any:
        return str(value)

TextAreaField dataclass

Bases: StringField

This field is used to represent any kind of long text content. For short text contents, use StringField

Source code in starlette_admin/
class TextAreaField(StringField):
    """This field is used to represent any kind of long text content.
    For short text contents, use [StringField][starlette_admin.fields.StringField]"""

    rows: int = 6
    class_: str = "field-textarea form-control"
    form_template: str = "forms/textarea.html"
    display_template: str = "displays/textarea.html"

    def input_params(self) -> str:
        return html_params(
                "rows": self.rows,
                "minlength": self.minlength,
                "maxlength": self.maxlength,
                "placeholder": self.placeholder,
                "required": self.required,
                "disabled": self.disabled,
                "readonly": self.read_only,

TinyMCEEditorField dataclass

Bases: TextAreaField

A field that provides a WYSIWYG editor for long text content using the TinyMCE library.

This field can be used as an alternative to the TextAreaField to provide a more sophisticated editor for user input.


Name Type Description Default
version_tinymce str

TinyMCE version

version_tinymce_jquery str

TinyMCE jQuery version

height int

Height of the editor

menubar Union[bool, str]

Show/hide the menubar in the editor

statusbar bool

Show/hide the statusbar in the editor

toolbar str

Toolbar options to show in the editor

'undo redo | formatselect | bold italic backcolor | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | removeformat'
content_style str

CSS style to apply to the editor content

'body { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, San Francisco, Segoe UI, Roboto, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; }'
extra_options Dict[str, Any]

Other options to pass to TinyMCE

Source code in starlette_admin/
class TinyMCEEditorField(TextAreaField):
    """A field that provides a WYSIWYG editor for long text content using the
     [TinyMCE]( library.

    This field can be used as an alternative to the [TextAreaField][starlette_admin.fields.TextAreaField]
    to provide a more sophisticated editor for user input.

        version_tinymce: TinyMCE version
        version_tinymce_jquery: TinyMCE jQuery version
        height: Height of the editor
        menubar: Show/hide the menubar in the editor
        statusbar: Show/hide the statusbar in the editor
        toolbar: Toolbar options to show in the editor
        content_style: CSS style to apply to the editor content
        extra_options: Other options to pass to TinyMCE

    class_: str = "field-tinymce-editor form-control"
    display_template: str = "displays/tinymce.html"
    version_tinymce: str = "6.4"
    version_tinymce_jquery: str = "2.0"
    height: int = 300
    menubar: Union[bool, str] = False
    statusbar: bool = False
    toolbar: str = (
        "undo redo | formatselect | bold italic backcolor | alignleft aligncenter"
        " alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | removeformat"
    content_style: str = (
        "body { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, San Francisco, Segoe"
        " UI, Roboto, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;"
        " -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; }"
    extra_options: Dict[str, Any] = dc_field(default_factory=dict)
    """For more options, see the [TinyMCE | Documentation]("""

    def additional_js_links(self, request: Request, action: RequestAction) -> List[str]:
        if action.is_form():
            return [
        return []

    def input_params(self) -> str:
        _options = {
            "height": self.height,
            "menubar": self.menubar,
            "statusbar": self.statusbar,
            "toolbar": self.toolbar,
            "content_style": self.content_style,

        return (
            + " "
            + html_params({"data-options": json.dumps(_options)})

extra_options: Dict[str, Any] = dc_field(default_factory=dict) class-attribute instance-attribute

For more options, see the TinyMCE | Documentation

TagsField dataclass

Bases: BaseField

This field is used to represent the value of properties that store a list of string values. Render as select2 tags input.

Source code in starlette_admin/
class TagsField(BaseField):
    This field is used to represent the value of properties that store a list of
    string values. Render as `select2` tags input.

    form_template: str = "forms/tags.html"
    form_js: str = "js/field/forms/tags.js"
    class_: str = "field-tags form-control form-select"

    async def parse_form_data(
        self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
    ) -> List[str]:
        return form_data.getlist(  # type: ignore

    def additional_css_links(
        self, request: Request, action: RequestAction
    ) -> List[str]:
        if action.is_form():
            return [
        return []

    def additional_js_links(self, request: Request, action: RequestAction) -> List[str]:
        if action.is_form():
            return [
        return []

EmailField dataclass

Bases: StringField

This field is used to represent a text content that stores a single email address.

Source code in starlette_admin/
class EmailField(StringField):
    """This field is used to represent a text content
    that stores a single email address."""

    input_type: str = "email"
    render_function_key: str = "email"
    class_: str = "field-email form-control"
    display_template: str = "displays/email.html"

URLField dataclass

Bases: StringField

This field is used to represent a text content that stores a single URL.

Source code in starlette_admin/
class URLField(StringField):
    """This field is used to represent a text content that stores a single URL."""

    input_type: str = "url"
    render_function_key: str = "url"
    class_: str = "field-url form-control"
    display_template: str = "displays/url.html"

PhoneField dataclass

Bases: StringField

A StringField, except renders an <input type="phone">.

Source code in starlette_admin/
class PhoneField(StringField):
    """A StringField, except renders an `<input type="phone">`."""

    input_type: str = "phone"
    class_: str = "field-phone form-control"

ColorField dataclass

Bases: StringField

A StringField, except renders an <input type="color">.

Source code in starlette_admin/
class ColorField(StringField):
    """A StringField, except renders an `<input type="color">`."""

    input_type: str = "color"
    class_: str = "field-color form-control form-control-color"

PasswordField dataclass

Bases: StringField

A StringField, except renders an <input type="password">.

Source code in starlette_admin/
class PasswordField(StringField):
    """A StringField, except renders an `<input type="password">`."""

    input_type: str = "password"
    class_: str = "field-password form-control"

EnumField dataclass

Bases: StringField

Enumeration Field. It takes a python enum.Enum class or a list of (value, label) pairs. It can also be a list of only values, in which case the value is used as the label. Example:

class Status(str, enum.Enum):
    NEW = "new"
    ONGOING = "ongoing"
    DONE = "done"

class MyModel:
    status: Optional[Status] = None

class MyModelView(ModelView):
    fields = [EnumField("status", enum=Status)]

class MyModel:
    language: str

class MyModelView(ModelView):
    fields = [
            choices=[("cpp", "C++"), ("py", "Python"), ("text", "Plain Text")],
Source code in starlette_admin/
class EnumField(StringField):
    Enumeration Field.
    It takes a python `enum.Enum` class or a list of *(value, label)* pairs.
    It can also be a list of only values, in which case the value is used as the label.
        class Status(str, enum.Enum):
            NEW = "new"
            ONGOING = "ongoing"
            DONE = "done"

        class MyModel:
            status: Optional[Status] = None

        class MyModelView(ModelView):
            fields = [EnumField("status", enum=Status)]

        class MyModel:
            language: str

        class MyModelView(ModelView):
            fields = [
                    choices=[("cpp", "C++"), ("py", "Python"), ("text", "Plain Text")],

    multiple: bool = False
    enum: Optional[Type[Enum]] = None
    choices: Union[Sequence[str], Sequence[Tuple[Any, str]], None] = None
    choices_loader: Optional[
        Callable[[Request], Union[Sequence[str], Sequence[Tuple[Any, str]]]]
    ] = dc_field(default=None, compare=False)
    form_template: str = "forms/enum.html"
    class_: str = "field-enum form-control form-select"
    coerce: Callable[[Any], Any] = str
    select2: bool = True

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        if self.choices and not isinstance(self.choices[0], (list, tuple)):
            self.choices = list(zip(self.choices, self.choices))  # type: ignore
        elif self.enum:
            self.choices = [(e.value,"_", " ")) for e in self.enum]
            self.coerce = int if issubclass(self.enum, IntEnum) else str
        elif not self.choices and self.choices_loader is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "EnumField required a list of choices, enum class or a choices_loader for dynamic choices"

    async def parse_form_data(
        self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Any:
        return (
            list(map(self.coerce, form_data.getlist(
            if self.multiple
            else (
                self.coerce(form_data.get( if form_data.get( else None

    def _get_choices(self, request: Request) -> Any:
        return (
            if self.choices_loader is None
            else self.choices_loader(request)

    def _get_label(self, value: Any, request: Request) -> Any:
        for v, label in self._get_choices(request):
            if value == v:
                return label
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid choice value: {value}")

    async def serialize_value(
        self, request: Request, value: Any, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Any:
        if isinstance(value, Enum):
            value = value.value
        labels = [
            (self._get_label(v, request) if action != RequestAction.EDIT else v)
            for v in (value if self.multiple else [value])
        return labels if self.multiple else labels[0]

    def additional_css_links(
        self, request: Request, action: RequestAction
    ) -> List[str]:
        if self.select2 and action.is_form():
            return [
        return []

    def additional_js_links(self, request: Request, action: RequestAction) -> List[str]:
        if self.select2 and action.is_form():
            return [
        return []

    def from_enum(
        name: str,
        enum_type: Type[Enum],
        multiple: bool = False,
        **kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
    ) -> "EnumField":
            f'This method is deprecated. Use EnumField("name", enum={enum_type.__name__}) instead.',
        return cls(name, enum=enum_type, multiple=multiple, **kwargs)  # type: ignore

    def from_choices(
        name: str,
        choices: Union[Sequence[str], Sequence[Tuple[str, str]], None],
        multiple: bool = False,
        **kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
    ) -> "EnumField":
            f'This method is deprecated. Use EnumField("name", choices={choices}) instead.',
        return cls(name, choices=choices, multiple=multiple, **kwargs)  # type: ignore

TimeZoneField dataclass

Bases: EnumField

This field is used to represent the name of a timezone (eg. Africa/Porto-Novo)

Source code in starlette_admin/
class TimeZoneField(EnumField):
    """This field is used to represent the name of a timezone (eg. Africa/Porto-Novo)"""

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        if self.choices is None:
            self.choices = [
                (self.coerce(x), x.replace("_", " ")) for x in common_timezones

CountryField dataclass

Bases: EnumField

This field is used to represent the name that corresponds to the country code stored in your database

Source code in starlette_admin/
class CountryField(EnumField):
    """This field is used to represent the name that corresponds to the country code stored in your database"""

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
            import babel  # noqa
        except ImportError as err:
            raise ImportError(
                "'babel' package is required to use 'CountryField'. Install it with `pip install starlette-admin[i18n]`"
            ) from err
        self.choices_loader = lambda request: get_countries_list()

CurrencyField dataclass

Bases: EnumField

This field is used to represent a value that stores the 3-letter ISO 4217 code of currency

Source code in starlette_admin/
class CurrencyField(EnumField):
    This field is used to represent a value that stores the
    [3-letter ISO 4217]( code of currency

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
            import babel  # noqa
        except ImportError as err:
            raise ImportError(
                "'babel' package is required to use 'CurrencyField'. Install it with `pip install starlette-admin[i18n]`"
            ) from err
        self.choices_loader = lambda request: get_currencies_list()

DateTimeField dataclass

Bases: NumberField

This field is used to represent a value that stores a python datetime.datetime object Parameters: search_format: moment.js format to send for searching. Use None for iso Format output_format: display output format

Source code in starlette_admin/
class DateTimeField(NumberField):
    This field is used to represent a value that stores a python datetime.datetime object
        search_format: moment.js format to send for searching. Use None for iso Format
        output_format: display output format

    input_type: str = "datetime-local"
    class_: str = "field-datetime form-control"
    search_builder_type: str = "moment-LL LT"
    output_format: Optional[str] = None
    search_format: Optional[str] = None
    form_alt_format: Optional[str] = "F j, Y  H:i:S"

    def input_params(self) -> str:
        return html_params(
                "type": self.input_type,
                "min": self.min,
                "max": self.max,
                "step": self.step,
                "data_alt_format": self.form_alt_format,
                "data_locale": get_locale(),
                "placeholder": self.placeholder,
                "required": self.required,
                "disabled": self.disabled,
                "readonly": self.read_only,

    async def parse_form_data(
        self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Any:
            return datetime.fromisoformat(form_data.get(  # type: ignore
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            return None

    async def serialize_value(
        self, request: Request, value: Any, action: RequestAction
    ) -> str:
        assert isinstance(
            value, (datetime, date, time)
        ), f"Expect datetime | date | time, got  {type(value)}"
        if action != RequestAction.EDIT:
            return format_datetime(value, self.output_format)
        return value.isoformat()

    def additional_css_links(
        self, request: Request, action: RequestAction
    ) -> List[str]:
        if action.is_form():
            return [
        return []

    def additional_js_links(self, request: Request, action: RequestAction) -> List[str]:
        _links = [
        if get_locale() != "en":
        if action.is_form():
            return _links
        return []

DateField dataclass

Bases: DateTimeField

This field is used to represent a value that stores a python object Parameters: search_format: moment.js format to send for searching. Use None for iso Format output_format: Set display output format

Source code in starlette_admin/
class DateField(DateTimeField):
    This field is used to represent a value that stores a python object
        search_format: moment.js format to send for searching. Use None for iso Format
        output_format: Set display output format

    input_type: str = "date"
    class_: str = "field-date form-control"
    output_format: Optional[str] = None
    search_format: str = "YYYY-MM-DD"
    search_builder_type: str = "moment-LL"
    form_alt_format: Optional[str] = "F j, Y"

    async def parse_form_data(
        self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Any:
            return date.fromisoformat(form_data.get(  # type: ignore
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            return None

    async def serialize_value(
        self, request: Request, value: Any, action: RequestAction
    ) -> str:
        assert isinstance(value, date), f"Expect date, got  {type(value)}"
        if action != RequestAction.EDIT:
            return format_date(value, self.output_format)
        return value.isoformat()

TimeField dataclass

Bases: DateTimeField

This field is used to represent a value that stores a python datetime.time object Parameters: search_format: Format to send for search. Use None for iso Format output_format: Set display output format

Source code in starlette_admin/
class TimeField(DateTimeField):
    This field is used to represent a value that stores a python datetime.time object
        search_format: Format to send for search. Use None for iso Format
        output_format: Set display output format

    input_type: str = "time"
    class_: str = "field-time form-control"
    search_builder_type: str = "moment-LTS"
    output_format: Optional[str] = None
    search_format: str = "HH:mm:ss"
    form_alt_format: Optional[str] = "H:i:S"

    async def parse_form_data(
        self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Any:
            return time.fromisoformat(form_data.get(  # type: ignore
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            return None

    async def serialize_value(
        self, request: Request, value: Any, action: RequestAction
    ) -> str:
        assert isinstance(value, time), f"Expect time, got  {type(value)}"
        if action != RequestAction.EDIT:
            return format_time(value, self.output_format)
        return value.isoformat()

ArrowField dataclass

Bases: DateTimeField

This field is used to represent sqlalchemy_utils.types.arrow.ArrowType

Source code in starlette_admin/
class ArrowField(DateTimeField):
    This field is used to represent sqlalchemy_utils.types.arrow.ArrowType

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        if not arrow:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ImportError("'arrow' package is required to use 'ArrowField'")

    async def parse_form_data(
        self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Any:
            return arrow.get(form_data.get(  # type: ignore
        except (TypeError, arrow.parser.ParserError):  # pragma: no cover
            return None

    async def serialize_value(
        self, request: Request, value: Any, action: RequestAction
    ) -> str:
        assert isinstance(value, arrow.Arrow), f"Expected Arrow, got  {type(value)}"
        if action != RequestAction.EDIT:
            return value.humanize(locale=get_locale())
        return value.isoformat()

JSONField dataclass

Bases: BaseField

This field render jsoneditor and represent a value that stores python dict object. Erroneous input is ignored and will not be accepted as a value.

Source code in starlette_admin/
class JSONField(BaseField):
    This field render jsoneditor and represent a value that stores python dict object.
    Erroneous input is ignored and will not be accepted as a value."""

    height: str = "20em"
    modes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None
    render_function_key: str = "json"
    form_template: str = "forms/json.html"
    display_template: str = "displays/json.html"

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        if self.modes is None:
            self.modes = ["view"] if self.read_only else ["tree", "code"]

    async def parse_form_data(
        self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
            value = form_data.get(
            return json.loads(value) if value is not None else None  # type: ignore
        except JSONDecodeError:
            return None

    def additional_css_links(
        self, request: Request, action: RequestAction
    ) -> List[str]:
        if action.is_form():
            return [
        return []

    def additional_js_links(self, request: Request, action: RequestAction) -> List[str]:
        if action.is_form():
            return [
        return []

FileField dataclass

Bases: BaseField

Renders a file upload field. This field is used to represent a value that stores starlette UploadFile object. For displaying value, this field wait for three properties which is filename, content-type and url. Use multiple=True for multiple file upload When user ask for delete on editing page, the second part of the returned tuple is True.

Source code in starlette_admin/
class FileField(BaseField):
    Renders a file upload field.
    This field is used to represent a value that stores starlette UploadFile object.
    For displaying value, this field wait for three properties which is `filename`,
    `content-type` and `url`. Use `multiple=True` for multiple file upload
    When user ask for delete on editing page, the second part of the returned tuple is True.

    accept: Optional[str] = None
    multiple: bool = False
    render_function_key: str = "file"
    form_template: str = "forms/file.html"
    display_template: str = "displays/file.html"

    async def parse_form_data(
        self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Tuple[Union[UploadFile, List[UploadFile], None], bool]:
        should_be_deleted = form_data.get(f"_{}-delete") == "on"
        if self.multiple:
            files = form_data.getlist(
            return [f for f in files if not is_empty_file(f.file)], should_be_deleted  # type: ignore
        file = form_data.get(
        return (None if (file and is_empty_file(file.file)) else file), should_be_deleted  # type: ignore

    def _isvalid_value(self, value: Any) -> bool:
        return value is not None and all(
                hasattr(v, "url")
                or (isinstance(v, dict) and v.get("url", None) is not None)
            for v in (value if self.multiple else [value])

    def input_params(self) -> str:
        return html_params(
                "accept": self.accept,
                "disabled": self.disabled,
                "readonly": self.read_only,
                "multiple": self.multiple,

ImageField dataclass

Bases: FileField

FileField with accept="image/*".

Source code in starlette_admin/
class ImageField(FileField):
    FileField with `accept="image/*"`.

    accept: Optional[str] = "image/*"
    render_function_key: str = "image"
    form_template: str = "forms/image.html"
    display_template: str = "displays/image.html"

RelationField dataclass

Bases: BaseField

A field representing a relation between two data models.

This field should not be used directly; instead, use either the HasOne or HasMany fields to specify a relation between your models.


It is important to add both models in your admin interface.


Name Type Description Default
identity Optional[str]

Foreign ModelView identity

class Author:
    id: Optional[int]
    name: str
    books: List["Book"]

class Book:
    id: Optional[int]
    title: str
    author: Optional["Author"]

class AuthorView(ModelView):
    fields = [
        HasMany("books", identity="book"),

class BookView(ModelView):
    fields = [
        HasOne("author", identity="author"),
admin.add_view(AuthorView(Author, identity="author"))
admin.add_view(BookView(Book, identity="book"))
Source code in starlette_admin/
class RelationField(BaseField):
    A field representing a relation between two data models.

    This field should not be used directly; instead, use either the [HasOne][starlette_admin.fields.HasOne]
    or [HasMany][starlette_admin.fields.HasMany] fields to specify a relation
    between your models.

    !!! important

        It is important to add both models in your admin interface.

        identity: Foreign ModelView identity

    ??? Example

        class Author:
            id: Optional[int]
            name: str
            books: List["Book"]

        class Book:
            id: Optional[int]
            title: str
            author: Optional["Author"]

        class AuthorView(ModelView):
            fields = [
                HasMany("books", identity="book"),

        class BookView(ModelView):
            fields = [
                HasOne("author", identity="author"),
        admin.add_view(AuthorView(Author, identity="author"))
        admin.add_view(BookView(Book, identity="book"))

    identity: Optional[str] = None
    multiple: bool = False
    render_function_key: str = "relation"
    form_template: str = "forms/relation.html"
    display_template: str = "displays/relation.html"

    async def parse_form_data(
        self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Any:
        if self.multiple:
            return form_data.getlist(
        return form_data.get(

    def additional_css_links(
        self, request: Request, action: RequestAction
    ) -> List[str]:
        if action.is_form():
            return [
        return []

    def additional_js_links(self, request: Request, action: RequestAction) -> List[str]:
        if action.is_form():
            return [
        return []

HasOne dataclass

Bases: RelationField

A field representing a "has-one" relation between two models.

Source code in starlette_admin/
class HasOne(RelationField):
    A field representing a "has-one" relation between two models.

HasMany dataclass

Bases: RelationField

A field representing a "has-many" relationship between two models.

Source code in starlette_admin/
class HasMany(RelationField):
    """A field representing a "has-many" relationship between two models."""

    multiple: bool = True

ListField dataclass

Bases: BaseField

Encapsulate an ordered list of multiple instances of the same field type, keeping data as a list.


class MyModel:
    id: Optional[int]
    values: List[str]

class ModelView(BaseModelView):
    fields = [IntegerField("id"), ListField(StringField("values")]
Source code in starlette_admin/
class ListField(BaseField):
    Encapsulate an ordered list of multiple instances of the same field type,
    keeping data as a list.

    !!! usage

        class MyModel:
            id: Optional[int]
            values: List[str]

        class ModelView(BaseModelView):
            fields = [IntegerField("id"), ListField(StringField("values")]

    form_template: str = "forms/list.html"
    display_template: str = "displays/list.html"
    search_builder_type: str = "array"
    field: BaseField = dc_field(default_factory=lambda: BaseField(""))

    def __init__(self, field: BaseField, required: bool = False) -> None:
        self.field = field =
        self.required = required

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        super().__post_init__() = ""
        if isinstance(self.field, CollectionField):

    async def parse_form_data(
        self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Any:
        indices = self._extra_indices(form_data)
        value = []
        for index in indices:
   = f"{}.{index}"
            if isinstance(self.field, CollectionField):
            value.append(await self.field.parse_form_data(request, form_data, action))
        return value

    async def serialize_value(
        self, request: Request, value: Any, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Any:
        serialized_value = []
        for item in value:
            serialized_item_value = None
            if item is not None:
                serialized_item_value = await self.field.serialize_value(
                    request, item, action
        return serialized_value

    def _extra_indices(self, form_data: FormData) -> List[int]:
        Return list of all indices.  For example, if field id is `foo` and
        form_data contains following keys ['', 'foo.1.baz'], then the indices are [0,1].
        Note that some numbers can be skipped. For example, you may have [0,1,3,8]
        as indices.
        indices = set()
        for name in form_data:
            if name.startswith(
                idx = name[len( + 1 :].split(".", maxsplit=1)[0]
                if idx.isdigit():
        return sorted(indices)

    def _field_at(self, idx: Optional[int] = None) -> BaseField:
        if idx is not None:
   = + "." + str(idx)
            """To generate template string to be used in javascript"""
   = ""
        if isinstance(self.field, CollectionField):
        return self.field

    def additional_css_links(
        self, request: Request, action: RequestAction
    ) -> List[str]:
        return self.field.additional_css_links(request, action)

    def additional_js_links(self, request: Request, action: RequestAction) -> List[str]:
        return self.field.additional_js_links(request, action)

CollectionField dataclass

Bases: BaseField

This field represents a collection of others fields. Can be used to represent embedded mongodb document.


 CollectionField("config", fields=[StringField("key"), IntegerField("value", help_text="multiple of 5")]),
Source code in starlette_admin/
class CollectionField(BaseField):
    This field represents a collection of others fields. Can be used to represent embedded mongodb document.
    !!! usage

     CollectionField("config", fields=[StringField("key"), IntegerField("value", help_text="multiple of 5")]),

    fields: Sequence[BaseField] = dc_field(default_factory=list)
    render_function_key: str = "json"
    form_template: str = "forms/collection.html"
    display_template: str = "displays/collection.html"

    def __init__(
        self, name: str, fields: Sequence[BaseField], required: bool = False
    ) -> None: = name
        self.fields = fields
        self.required = required

    def get_fields_list(
        request: Request,
        action: RequestAction = RequestAction.LIST,
    ) -> Sequence[BaseField]:
        return extract_fields(self.fields, action)

    def _propagate_id(self) -> None:
        """Will update fields id by adding his id as prefix (ex:"""
        for field in self.fields:
   = + ("." if else "") +
            if isinstance(field, type(self)):

    async def parse_form_data(
        self, request: Request, form_data: FormData, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Any:
        value = {}
        for field in self.get_fields_list(request, action):
            value[] = await field.parse_form_data(request, form_data, action)
        return value

    async def serialize_value(
        self, request: Request, value: Any, action: RequestAction
    ) -> Any:
        serialized_value: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        for field in self.get_fields_list(request, action):
            name =
            serialized_value[name] = None
            if hasattr(value, name) or (isinstance(value, dict) and name in value):
                field_value = (
                    getattr(value, name) if hasattr(value, name) else value[name]
                if field_value is not None:
                    serialized_value[name] = await field.serialize_value(
                        request, field_value, action
        return serialized_value

    def additional_css_links(
        self, request: Request, action: RequestAction
    ) -> List[str]:
        _links = []
        for f in self.get_fields_list(request, action):
            _links.extend(f.additional_css_links(request, action))
        return _links

    def additional_js_links(self, request: Request, action: RequestAction) -> List[str]:
        _links = []
        for f in self.get_fields_list(request, action):
            _links.extend(f.additional_js_links(request, action))
        return _links