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In starlette-admin, actions provide an easy way to interact with your database records and perform various operations such as mass delete, special mass updates, sending emails, etc.

Batch Actions

By default, to update an object, you must select it in the list page and update it. This works well for a majority of use cases. However, if you need to make the same change to many objects at once, this workflow can be quite tedious.

In these cases, you can write a custom batch action to bulk update many objects at once.


starlette-admin add by default an action named delete to delete many object at once

To add other batch actions to your ModelView, besides the default delete action, you can define a function that implements the desired logic and wrap it with the @action decorator ( Heavily inspired by Flask-Admin).


The batch action name should be unique within a ModelView.


from typing import List, Any

from starlette.datastructures import FormData
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import RedirectResponse, Response

from starlette_admin import action
from starlette_admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView
from starlette_admin.exceptions import ActionFailed

class ArticleView(ModelView):
    actions = ["make_published", "redirect", "delete"]  # `delete` function is added by default

        text="Mark selected articles as published",
        confirmation="Are you sure you want to mark selected articles as published ?",
        submit_btn_text="Yes, proceed",
            <div class="mt-3">
                <input type="text" class="form-control" name="example-text-input" placeholder="Enter value">
    async def make_published_action(self, request: Request, pks: List[Any]) -> str:
        # Write your logic here

        data: FormData = await request.form()
        user_input = data.get("example-text-input")

        if ...:
            # Display meaningfully error
            raise ActionFailed("Sorry, We can't proceed this action now.")
        # Display successfully message
        return "{} articles were successfully marked as published".format(len(pks))

    # For custom response
        confirmation="Fill the form",
            <div class="mt-3">
                <input type="text" class="form-control" name="value" placeholder="Enter value">
    async def redirect_action(self, request: Request, pks: List[Any]) -> Response:
        data = await request.form()
        return RedirectResponse(f"{data['value']}")

Row actions

Row actions allow you to perform actions on individual items within a list view.


By default, starlette-admin includes three (03) row actions

  • view: redirects to the item's detail page
  • edit: redirects to the item's edit page
  • delete: deletes the selected item

To add other row actions to your ModelView, besides the default ones, you can define a function that implements the desired logic and wrap it with the @row_action decorator

For cases where a row action should simply navigate users to a website or internal page, it is preferable to use the @link_row_action decorator. The key difference is that link_row_action eliminates the need to call the action API. Instead, the link is included directly in the href attribute of the generated html element (e.g. <a href='' ...>).


The row actions (both @row_action and @link_row_action) name should be unique within a ModelView.


from typing import Any

from starlette.datastructures import FormData
from starlette.requests import Request

from starlette_admin._types import RowActionsDisplayType
from starlette_admin.actions import link_row_action, row_action
from starlette_admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView
from starlette_admin.exceptions import ActionFailed

class ArticleView(ModelView):
    row_actions = ["view", "edit", "go_to_example", "make_published",
                   "delete"]  # edit, view and delete are provided by default
    row_actions_display_type = RowActionsDisplayType.ICON_LIST  # RowActionsDisplayType.DROPDOWN

        text="Mark as published",
        confirmation="Are you sure you want to mark this article as published ?",
        icon_class="fas fa-check-circle",
        submit_btn_text="Yes, proceed",
            <div class="mt-3">
                <input type="text" class="form-control" name="example-text-input" placeholder="Enter value">
    async def make_published_row_action(self, request: Request, pk: Any) -> str:
        # Write your logic here

        data: FormData = await request.form()
        user_input = data.get("example-text-input")

        if ...:
            # Display meaningfully error
            raise ActionFailed("Sorry, We can't proceed this action now.")
        # Display successfully message
        return "The article was successfully marked as published"

        text="Go to",
        icon_class="fas fa-arrow-up-right-from-square",
    def go_to_example_row_action(self, request: Request, pk: Any) -> str:
        return f"{pk}"

List rendering

The RowActionsDisplayType enum provides options for customizing how row actions are displayed in the list view.


from starlette_admin._types import RowActionsDisplayType

class ArticleView(ModelView):
    row_actions_display_type = RowActionsDisplayType.ICON_LIST

Screenshot 2023-10-21 at 4 39 58 PM


from starlette_admin._types import RowActionsDisplayType

class ArticleView(ModelView):
    row_actions_display_type = RowActionsDisplayType.DROPDOWN

Screenshot 2023-10-21 at 4 48 06 PM