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Authentication & Authorization

To protect your admin interface from unwanted users, you can create an Authentication Provider by extending the AuthProvider class and set auth_provider when declaring your admin app

Username and Password Authentication

By default, AuthProvider provides a login form with username and password fields for basic username and password authentication. To fully support this authentication method, you need to implement the following methods in your custom Authentication Provider:

  • is_authenticated: This method will be called to validate each incoming request.
  • get_admin_user: Return connected user name and/or avatar
  • get_admin_config: Return logo_url or app_title according to connected user or any other condition.
  • login: will be called to validate user credentials.
  • logout: Will be called to logout (clear sessions, cookies, ...)
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import Response
from starlette_admin.auth import AdminConfig, AdminUser, AuthProvider
from starlette_admin.exceptions import FormValidationError, LoginFailed

users = {
    "admin": {
        "name": "Admin",
        "avatar": "admin.png",
        "company_logo_url": "admin.png",
        "roles": ["read", "create", "edit", "delete", "action_make_published"],
    "johndoe": {
        "name": "John Doe",
        "avatar": None, # user avatar is optional
        "roles": ["read", "create", "edit", "action_make_published"],
    "viewer": {"name": "Viewer", "avatar": "guest.png", "roles": ["read"]},

class UsernameAndPasswordProvider(AuthProvider):
    This is only for demo purpose, it's not a better
    way to save and validate user credentials

    async def login(
        username: str,
        password: str,
        remember_me: bool,
        request: Request,
        response: Response,
    ) -> Response:
        if len(username) < 3:
            """Form data validation"""
            raise FormValidationError(
                {"username": "Ensure username has at least 03 characters"}

        if username in users and password == "password":
            """Save `username` in session"""
            request.session.update({"username": username})
            return response

        raise LoginFailed("Invalid username or password")

    async def is_authenticated(self, request) -> bool:
        if request.session.get("username", None) in users:
            Save current `user` object in the request state. Can be used later
            to restrict access to connected user.
            request.state.user = users.get(request.session["username"])
            return True

        return False

    def get_admin_config(self, request: Request) -> AdminConfig:
        user = request.state.user  # Retrieve current user
        # Update app title according to current_user
        custom_app_title = "Hello, " + user["name"] + "!"
        # Update logo url according to current_user
        custom_logo_url = None
        if user.get("company_logo_url", None):
            custom_logo_url = request.url_for("static", path=user["company_logo_url"])
        return AdminConfig(

    def get_admin_user(self, request: Request) -> AdminUser:
        user = request.state.user  # Retrieve current user
        photo_url = None
        if user["avatar"] is not None:
            photo_url = request.url_for("static", path=user["avatar"])
        return AdminUser(username=user["name"], photo_url=photo_url)

    async def logout(self, request: Request, response: Response) -> Response:
        return response

For a working example, have a look at

Custom Authentication flow (OAuth2/OIDC, ...)

If you prefer to use a custom authentication flow, such as OAuth2 or OIDC, you can implement the following methods in your custom Authentication Provider:

Additionally, you can override these methods depending on your needs:

  • get_middleware: To provide a custom authentication middleware for the admin interface
  • setup_admin: This method is called during the setup process of the admin interface and allows for custom configuration and setup.
from typing import Optional

from starlette.datastructures import URL
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import RedirectResponse, Response
from starlette.routing import Route
from starlette_admin import BaseAdmin
from starlette_admin.auth import (

from authlib.integrations.starlette_client import OAuth


oauth = OAuth()
        "scope": "openid profile email",

class MyAuthProvider(AuthProvider):
    async def is_authenticated(self, request: Request) -> bool:
        if request.session.get("user", None) is not None:
            request.state.user = request.session.get("user")
            return True
        return False

    def get_admin_user(self, request: Request) -> Optional[AdminUser]:
        user = request.state.user
        return AdminUser(

    async def render_login(self, request: Request, admin: BaseAdmin):
        """Override the default login behavior to implement custom logic."""
        auth0 = oauth.create_client("auth0")
        redirect_uri = request.url_for(
            admin.route_name + ":authorize_auth0"
        return await auth0.authorize_redirect(request, str(redirect_uri))

    async def render_logout(self, request: Request, admin: BaseAdmin) -> Response:
        """Override the default logout to implement custom logic"""
        return RedirectResponse(
                returnTo=request.url_for(admin.route_name + ":index"),

    async def handle_auth_callback(self, request: Request):
        auth0 = oauth.create_client("auth0")
        token = await auth0.authorize_access_token(request)
        request.session.update({"user": token["userinfo"]})
        return RedirectResponse(request.query_params.get("next"))

    def setup_admin(self, admin: "BaseAdmin"):
        """add custom authentication callback route"""

For a working example, have a look at

The AuthProvider can be added at your admin interface as follows:

admin = Admin(
    title="Example: Authentication",
    middlewares=[Middleware(SessionMiddleware, secret_key=SECRET)],


For all views

Each view implement is_accessible method which can be used to restrict access to current user.

from starlette_admin import CustomView
from starlette.requests import Request

class ReportView(CustomView):

    def is_accessible(self, request: Request) -> bool:
        return "admin" in request.state.user["roles"]


When view is inaccessible, it does not appear in menu structure

For ModelView

In ModelView, you can override the following methods to restrict access to the current connected user.

  • can_view_details: Permission for viewing full details of Items
  • can_create: Permission for creating new Items
  • can_edit: Permission for editing Items
  • can_delete: Permission for deleting Items
  • is_action_allowed: verify if the action with name is allowed.
  • is_row_action_allowed: verify if the row action with name is allowed.
from starlette_admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette_admin import action, row_action

class ArticleView(ModelView):
    exclude_fields_from_list = [Article.body]

    def can_view_details(self, request: Request) -> bool:
        return "read" in request.state.user["roles"]

    def can_create(self, request: Request) -> bool:
        return "create" in request.state.user["roles"]

    def can_edit(self, request: Request) -> bool:
        return "edit" in request.state.user["roles"]

    def can_delete(self, request: Request) -> bool:
        return "delete" in request.state.user["roles"]

    async def is_action_allowed(self, request: Request, name: str) -> bool:
        if name == "make_published":
            return "action_make_published" in request.state.user["roles"]
        return await super().is_action_allowed(request, name)

    async def is_row_action_allowed(self, request: Request, name: str) -> bool:
        if name == "make_published":
            return "row_action_make_published" in request.state.user["roles"]
        return await super().is_row_action_allowed(request, name)

        text="Mark selected articles as published",
        confirmation="Are you sure you want to mark selected articles as published ?",
        submit_btn_text="Yes, proceed",
    async def make_published_action(self, request: Request, pks: List[Any]) -> str:
        return "{} articles were successfully marked as published".format(len(pks))

        text="Mark as published",
        confirmation="Are you sure you want to mark this article as published ?",
        icon_class="fas fa-check-circle",
        submit_btn_text="Yes, proceed",
    async def make_published_row_action(self, request: Request, pk: Any) -> str:
        return "The article was successfully marked as published"