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ModelView Configurations

There are multiple options available to customize your ModelView. For a complete list, please refer to the API documentation for BaseModelView().

Here are some of the most commonly used options:


You can use the fields property of the ModelView class to customize which fields are included in the admin view.

from sqlalchemy import JSON, Column, Integer, String, Text, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette_admin import TagsField
from starlette_admin.contrib.sqla import Admin, ModelView

Base = declarative_base()
engine = create_engine("sqlite:///test.db", connect_args={"check_same_thread": False})

class Post(Base):
    __tablename__ = "posts"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    title = Column(String)
    tags = Column(JSON)
    content = Column(Text)

class PostView(ModelView):
    fields = ["id", "title", Post.content, TagsField("tags", label="Tags")]

app = Starlette()

admin = Admin(engine)
admin.add_view(PostView(Post, icon="fa fa-blog"))


There are several options available for customizing which fields are displayed in different parts of the admin view. These options include:

  • exclude_fields_from_list: List of fields to exclude from the List page.
  • exclude_fields_from_detail: List of fields to exclude from the Detail page.
  • exclude_fields_from_create: List of fields to exclude from the creation page.
  • exclude_fields_from_edit: List of fields to exclude from the editing page.\
class PostView(ModelView):
    exclude_fields_from_list = [Post.content, Post.tags]


For more advanced use cases, you can override the ModelView.get_fields_list() function.

Searching & Sorting

Several options are available to specify which fields can be sorted or searched.

  • searchable_fields for list of searchable fields
  • sortable_fields for list of orderable fields
  • fields_default_sort for initial order (sort) to apply to the table


class PostView(ModelView):
    sortable_fields = [, "title"]
    searchable_fields = [, Post.title, "tags"]
    fields_default_sort = ["title", ("price", True)]


One of the powerful features of Starlette-admin is the ability to export data from the list page.

You can specify the export options for each ModelView using the following attributes:

  • export_fields: List of fields to include in the export.
  • export_types: A list of available export filetypes. Available exports are ['csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print']. By default, only pdf is disabled.


from starlette_admin import ExportType

class PostView(ModelView):
    export_fields = [, Post.content, Post.tags]
    export_types = [ExportType.CSV, ExportType.EXCEL]


The pagination options in the list page can be configured. The available options are:

  • page_size: Default number of items to display in List page pagination. Default value is set to 10.
  • page_size_options: Pagination choices displayed in List page. Default value is set to [10, 25, 50, 100]. Use -1to display All


class PostView(ModelView):
    page_size = 5
    page_size_options = [5, 10, 25, 50, -1]


The template files are built using Jinja2 and can be completely overridden in the configurations. The pages available are:

  • list_template: List view template. Default is list.html.
  • detail_template: Details view template. Default is detail.html.
  • create_template: Edit view template. Default is create.html.
  • edit_template: Edit view template. Default is edit.html.


class PostView(ModelView):
    detail_template = "post_detail.html"

Datatables Extensions

starlette-admin includes some datatable extensions by default. You can disable any of these extensions in your ModelView by overridden following options:


class PostView(ModelView):
    column_visibility = False
    search_builder = False
    responsive_table = True
    save_state = True

Object Representation

starlette-admin provides two methods for customizing how objects are represented in the admin interface:


It is a special method that can be defined in a model class to customize the object representation in the admin interface. By default, only the value of the object's primary key attribute is displayed. However, by implementing __admin_repr__, you can return a string that better represents the object in the admin interface.


For example, the following implementation for a User model will display the user's full name instead of their primary key in the admin interface:

class User:
    id: int
    first_name: str
    last_name: str

    async def __admin_repr__(self, request: Request):
        return f"{self.last_name} {self.first_name}"

Custom Object representation


This method is similar to __admin_repr__, but it returns an HTML string that is used to display the object in a select2 widget. By default, all the object's attributes allowed for detail page are used except relation and file fields.


The returned value should be valid HTML.


Escape your database value to avoid Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack. You can use Jinja2 Template render with autoescape=True. For more information, visit OWASP website

from jinja2 import Template
Template("Hello {{name}}", autoescape=True).render(name=name)


Here is an example implementation for a User model that includes the user's name and photo:

class User:
    id: int
    name: str
    photo_url: str

    async def __admin_select2_repr__(self, request: Request) -> str:
        return f'<div><img src="{escape(photo_url)}"><span>{escape(}</span></div>'

Custom Select2 rendering


Hooks are callback functions that give you an easy way to customize and extend the default CRUD functions. You can use hooks to perform actions before or after specific operations such as item creation, editing, or deletion.

The following hooks are available:


class OrderView(ModelView):
    async def after_create(self, request: Request, order: Order):