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Takes care of managing the whole Storage environment for the application.

Use add_storage method to add new associate a name which will be use later to retrieve this container.

The first container will be used as default, to simplify code when you have only one container.

Use associated name as upload_storage for FileField to store his files inside the corresponding container.

Source code in sqlalchemy_file/
class StorageManager:
    """Takes care of managing the whole Storage environment for the application.

    Use [add_storage][] method
    to add new ``and associate a name which
    will be use later to retrieve this container.

    The first container will be used as default, to simplify code when you have
    only one container.

    Use associated name as `upload_storage` for [FileField][sqlalchemy_file.types.FileField]
    to store his files inside the corresponding container.


    _default_storage_name: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None
    _storages: ClassVar[Dict[str, Container]] = {}

    def set_default(cls, name: str) -> None:
        """Replaces the current application default storage."""
        if name not in cls._storages:
            raise RuntimeError(f"{name} storage has not been added")
        cls._default_storage_name = name

    def get_default(cls) -> str:
        """Gets the current application default storage."""
        if cls._default_storage_name is None:
            raise RuntimeError("No default storage has been added")
        return cls._default_storage_name

    def add_storage(cls, name: str, container: Container) -> None:
        """Add new storage."""
        assert isinstance(container, Container), "Invalid container"
        if name in cls._storages:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Storage {name} has already been added")
        if cls._default_storage_name is None:
            cls._default_storage_name = name
        cls._storages[name] = container

    def get(cls, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Container:
        """Gets the container instance associate to the name,
        return default if name isn't provided.
        if name is None and cls._default_storage_name is None:
            raise RuntimeError("No default storage have been added")
        if name is None:
            name = cls._default_storage_name
        if name in cls._storages:
            return cls._storages[name]
        raise RuntimeError(f"{name} storage has not been added")

    def save_file(
        name: str,
        content: Optional[Iterator[bytes]] = None,
        upload_storage: Optional[str] = None,
        metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        extra: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        content_path: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> StoredFile:
        if content is None and content_path is None:
            raise ValueError("Either content or content_path must be specified")
        if metadata is not None:
                'metadata attribute is deprecated. Use extra={"meta_data": ...} instead',
            extra = {
                "meta_data": metadata,
                "content_type": metadata.get(
                    "content_type", "application/octet-stream"
        """Save file into provided `upload_storage`"""
        container = cls.get(upload_storage)
        if (
            and extra is not None
            and extra.get("meta_data", None) is not None
            Libcloud local storage driver doesn't support metadata, so the metadata
            is saved in the same container with the combination of the original name
            and `.metadata.json` as name
        if content_path is not None:
            return StoredFile(
        assert content is not None
        return StoredFile(
                iterator=content, object_name=name, extra=extra, headers=headers

    def get_file(cls, path: str) -> StoredFile:
        """Retrieve the file with `provided` path,
        path is expected to be `storage_name/file_id`.
        upload_storage, file_id = path.split("/")
        return StoredFile(StorageManager.get(upload_storage).get_object(file_id))

    def delete_file(cls, path: str) -> bool:
        """Delete the file with `provided` path.

        The path is expected to be `storage_name/file_id`.
        upload_storage, file_id = path.split("/")
        obj = StorageManager.get(upload_storage).get_object(file_id)
            """Try deleting associated metadata file"""
            with contextlib.suppress(ObjectDoesNotExistError):

        return obj.delete()

    def _clear(cls) -> None:
        """This is only for testing pourposes, resets the StorageManager."""
        cls._default_storage_name = None
        cls._storages = {}

add_storage(name, container) classmethod

Add new storage.

Source code in sqlalchemy_file/
def add_storage(cls, name: str, container: Container) -> None:
    """Add new storage."""
    assert isinstance(container, Container), "Invalid container"
    if name in cls._storages:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Storage {name} has already been added")
    if cls._default_storage_name is None:
        cls._default_storage_name = name
    cls._storages[name] = container

delete_file(path) classmethod

Delete the file with provided path.

The path is expected to be storage_name/file_id.

Source code in sqlalchemy_file/
def delete_file(cls, path: str) -> bool:
    """Delete the file with `provided` path.

    The path is expected to be `storage_name/file_id`.
    upload_storage, file_id = path.split("/")
    obj = StorageManager.get(upload_storage).get_object(file_id)
        """Try deleting associated metadata file"""
        with contextlib.suppress(ObjectDoesNotExistError):

    return obj.delete()

get(name=None) classmethod

Gets the container instance associate to the name, return default if name isn't provided.

Source code in sqlalchemy_file/
def get(cls, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Container:
    """Gets the container instance associate to the name,
    return default if name isn't provided.
    if name is None and cls._default_storage_name is None:
        raise RuntimeError("No default storage have been added")
    if name is None:
        name = cls._default_storage_name
    if name in cls._storages:
        return cls._storages[name]
    raise RuntimeError(f"{name} storage has not been added")

get_default() classmethod

Gets the current application default storage.

Source code in sqlalchemy_file/
def get_default(cls) -> str:
    """Gets the current application default storage."""
    if cls._default_storage_name is None:
        raise RuntimeError("No default storage has been added")
    return cls._default_storage_name

get_file(path) classmethod

Retrieve the file with provided path, path is expected to be storage_name/file_id.

Source code in sqlalchemy_file/
def get_file(cls, path: str) -> StoredFile:
    """Retrieve the file with `provided` path,
    path is expected to be `storage_name/file_id`.
    upload_storage, file_id = path.split("/")
    return StoredFile(StorageManager.get(upload_storage).get_object(file_id))

set_default(name) classmethod

Replaces the current application default storage.

Source code in sqlalchemy_file/
def set_default(cls, name: str) -> None:
    """Replaces the current application default storage."""
    if name not in cls._storages:
        raise RuntimeError(f"{name} storage has not been added")
    cls._default_storage_name = name