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Setup your storage

StorageManager is the class which takes care of managing the whole Storage environment for the application.


Container: represents a container which can contain multiple objects. You can think of it as a folder on a file system. Difference between container and a folder on file system is that containers cannot be nested. Some APIs and providers (e.g. AWS) refer to it as a Bucket.

Object: represents an object or so-called BLOB. (SQLAlchemy-file will store each file as an object)

For more information, follow Apache Libcloud Documentation

Add Storage

Before adding a storage, the first thing you need is to setup an apache libcloud storage container.

import os
from import LocalStorageDriver
from import StorageManager

os.makedirs("./upload_dir/attachment", 0o777, exist_ok=True) # Make sure the directory exist
my_container = LocalStorageDriver("./upload_dir").get_container("attachment")
StorageManager.add_storage("default", container)
from import Provider
from import ContainerAlreadyExistsError
from import get_driver

cls = get_driver(Provider.MINIO)
driver = cls("api key", "api secret key", secure=False, host="", port=9000)

except ContainerAlreadyExistsError:

my_container = driver.get_container(container_name="attachment")
from import get_driver
from import Provider

cls = get_driver(Provider.S3)
driver = cls("api key", "api secret key")

my_container = driver.get_container(container_name="attachment")

For more examples, see Apache Libcloud Storage Examples

Then, you can easily add your container to the storage manager


from import StorageManager

StorageManager.add_storage("default", my_container)

Using Multiple Storages

Multiple storage can be used inside the same application, most common operations require the full file path, so you can use multiple storage without risk of collisions.

from import LocalStorageDriver
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base
from import StorageManager
from sqlalchemy_file.types import FileField

Base = declarative_base()

class Attachment(Base):
    __tablename__ = "attachment"

    id = Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String(50), unique=True)
    content_first = Column(FileField(upload_storage="first"))
    content_second = Column(FileField(upload_storage="second"))

first_container = LocalStorageDriver("./storage").get_container("first")
second_container = LocalStorageDriver("./storage").get_container("second")

StorageManager.add_storage("first", first_container)
StorageManager.add_storage("second", second_container)

Switching Default Storage

Once you started uploading files to a storage, it is best to avoid configuring another storage to the same name. Doing that will probably break all the previously uploaded files and will cause confusion.

If you want to switch to a different storage for saving your files just configure two storage giving the new storage an unique name and switch the default storage using the StorageManager.set_default() function.

from import LocalStorageDriver
from import StorageManager

first_container = LocalStorageDriver("./storage").get_container("first")
second_container = LocalStorageDriver("./storage").get_container("second")

StorageManager.add_storage("first", first_container)
StorageManager.add_storage("second", second_container)

assert StorageManager.get_default() == "first"


assert StorageManager.get_default() == "second"